Monday 20 January 2014

Design for Disability

As years will go by we keep learning that some things were designed for better use but still lacks the function for certain people. When designing an object one will have to think about the user abilities. It doesn't have to be a disabled person to have these kind of designs as these may also be even more helpful for everyone.

This mug for example has a cup holder attached to it that is aiding for more grip and protecting the hands from the hot surface. What makes it more effective is that this holder can be adapted to other mugs and not buying one for every mug.

This cutlery set was design by a graduated student that was aimed for people with hemiplegia. This kind of condition paralysis one side of the body and thus people will have to find a way to handle their cutlery with one hand. 

While working with a hemiplegic patient, Mickael Boulay created four sets that resembles one for each stage of development. Boulay had this idea that the human body is like plastic and that as we can come disabled, we can 'unbecome' disabled.


Duncan E. 2012. Disability products. [image online] Available at: [Accessed 20th Janaury 2014]

Justin McGuirk, 2012. Design for knife. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20th January 2014]

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